Who uses Kunena as a support forum?
Do I need Kunena any more?
Joomla-based forum products
First impressions of Chronoforums
The verdict: Kunena or Chronoforums?
What′s next?
This is the story of a journey I am taking. I have a rough idea where I am heading but I feel like an explorer heading into unchartered territory with only a rough map sketched on a torn scrap of paper as my guide. By the time I have finished writing this article I will not have completed my journey; this is only the beginning but, I hope, others may benefit from reading my story.
People may be curious as to why I’ve chosen to open my insignificant scribblings with one of the world’s literary masterpieces, considering I haven’t written much about anything lately. I’ve been away because I overhauled this website in order to install Kunena version 4.0. This took weeks of investigation, sifting the morass of defects reported on the Kunena website and, generally, re-learning just about everything I thought I knew. In the last 3 months there have been five new releases of Kunena and, in my opinion, K 4.0 is no better today that when the project commenced 2 years ago: new features are added every day; features that worked in one release break in the next; the product is largely untested; and, the initial excitement surrounding the new Crypsis template has all but evaporated. I was prepared to give Kunena the benefit of the doubt but things have gone from bad to impossible.