
Registration Address Validation

4519 hits Updated: 09 January 2024 Products: Downloads & Documentation

Registration Address ValidationThis extension is a fork of Pre Registration Email Validation Plugin developed by function90 for J! 2.5/3.x, modified by SharkyKZ (Šarūnas Paulauskas) for J! 4.x.:  This plugin validates a new account email before registration.  It sends a code to the address and completes the registration if and only if the code is valid.


Registration Address Validation [RAV4] requires new users to validate their email address before registration.  It reduces spam at your site and the possibility that someone may have mis­typed their email address.  You don′t have to perform more than two step, just install and enable the plugin.

How it works

  • RAV4 frontendWhen a person wants to create a new account on your website, an extra button and text field are displayed on the account creation form (click the image on the right to enlarge the screenshot).
  • Users need to click on Send Code after entering their email address.  The user will receive an email containing a random validation code.
  • Users need to enter that validation code in the text field, and then click the Register button.
  • It supports core Joomla! registrationThird-party registration procedures (such as JomSocial, Community Builder or EasyBlog) cannot use this plugin..


  • It reduces ’bot-generated account registrations to zero.  Users must enter a valid email address and, if the user is not human, the account cannot be created until a valid code is entered.
  • Users are less likely to make mistakes entering their email address during account registration.
  • Helps keep your user tables clean.

“Plus” email addresses (Gmail)

The RAV4 plugin does not allow “plus” email addresses, a feature of Gmail and some other generic email services (e.g. Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.).

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