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This is a live demonstration of the Top Topics for Kunena module for K 5.xalso works with K 3.x and K 4.x) on J! 3.x. The module displays the topics in a Kunena® forum that have been viewed the most number of times or that have the most posts. The demonstration on this page shows the topics that have the most views.

Features: The ability to select topics updated within the last n months or x days. List the top 10 topics (by default) or list fewer or more as you decide.

Restrictions: The module currently supports English (en-GB) but it is not difficult to translate the output into any other language. If a different language language is needed it can be done at no extra charge (although, of course, only a "Google Translate" version will be built). It's easy enough to translate the language strings into any other language that may be desired.

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